Donate or Volunteer, MESA College Prep SJSU
and Make A Difference
The Donate button will take you to the SJSU Donation Page. Fill out the form with your information and however much you want to donate to support our students. Under the I’d like to support question, click on Choose a giving opportunity. A pop up window will show up, in the search bar type “MESA” and click on the MESA Tower Scholarship Fund. Once you have selected it, click continue. You can specify what the donation should be used for and afterwards, you’ll continue through the form.
If you have any questions, email our Director at susan.arias@sjsu.edu
Want to Volunteer?
The MESA college Prep Program at San Jose State University, Established in 1970, the Pre College Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) continues to help excite, motivate, and prepare students in California for their STEM careers. Pre College MESA SJSU has been on the San Jose State University campus since 1979 to serve the students from 6th – 12th grade in Silicon Valley, helping students who are under-represented and educationally disadvantaged to become engineers, scientists and other math-based professionals needed by Silicon Valley industry.
In order to service our students, we need the help of volunteers throughout the year. Our volunteer types are as follows for interested parties:
General Volunteer:
Volunteers generally work as either a general volunteer or a judge. General volunteers will usually help with set up, clean up, crowd control and food distribution.
Judges are in charge scoring student work and if the competition requires, coming in to score student projects. Judges will have different deadlines and expectation to get work done in a timely fashion and have materials deadlines to return scored materials or show up to an event.
MESA Events can vary by year, but here are some example:
MESA Family Nights
College Poster Board
MESA State Championship National Engineering Design Competition
Other opportunities that may arise!